Agathon News

Agathon AG

Guiding and centering combined

November 10, 2021

To precisely position and close the mold halves of mold making tools, main guiding and centering..

Review EMO 2021

October 18, 2021

We look back on an exciting and successful trade fair, where we welcomed a large number of..

Agathon revolutionizes personnel-free production at BSW

October 18, 2021

Initial Situation of BSW: BSW Zerspanungswerkzeuge GmbH is one of the largest independent..

Agathon deepens partnership with SWISSCO GmbH

October 12, 2021

Bellach, October 12, 2021 - The two high-tech companies Agathon AG and SWISSCO Präzisionswerkzeuge..

Agathon Guiding System Plus | 2-in-1 - AND better!

September 15, 2021

Höchste Präzision ist auch für Oliver Müller von grösster Bedeutung. Umso begeisterter war der ..

Agathon Technology Days 2021

August 06, 2021

The machine manufacturer proved once again that Agathon is also able to inspire and pick up its..

Agathon Virtual GrindShow on November 25, 2020

December 08, 2020

The Agathon Virtual GrindShow went into its third round on November 25, 2020 due to the cancelled..

Agathon Virtual GrindShow on 17 September 2020

September 25, 2020

Extraordinary times require extraordinary measures. This also applies to our format "Agathon..

Mini Fine Centering in use at WESA

July 08, 2020

WESA AG from Inkwil has been an Agathon customer for many years and uses our Mini Fine Centering..

ReviseCare and RemoteCare

April 21, 2020

Use the time of reduced production to have your Agathon machine collected and overhauled by us, or..

Agathon Virtual GrindShow

April 14, 2020

During the Virtual GrindShow on 19 March 2020, customers and interested parties were able to..


September 29, 2019

Dr. Alexander Broos travelled to EMO 2019 with a great portion of enthusiasm. Dr. Broos is project..